
thinking about something

aku tak tahu nak mulakan dari mana..agak lama juga aku x update blog nie..bukan aku x muncul tapi aku sibuk duk uruskan blog group aku..hehehe..ummm nak di jadikan cerita aku ni bosan then terpikir pla week my beloved fiance birthday..and 1 month after that my birthday coming..hahahaha!! but birthday aku tak penting now..yang penting now birthday fiance aku..blur..tak taw moh celebrate apa and moh bagi hadiah apa?ummm...apa yah?!huh! me..give me opinion ..hahahaha...just wait and see jak la..


K. Emmanoelle said...

beli la perfume,,,,

wabenz wawa said...

ya kan..
hehehehe thnkz 4 d opinion..hehehhe

K. Emmanoelle said...

so...? perfume la ni namanya mo p beli? haha

wabenz wawa said...

xtau lg ary tu mmg mo kc bli perfume blue tu hehehe...tu jk seswai kn..xda uda idea lain..heheheh

K. Emmanoelle said...

haha yup yup.. ok la tu.. adidas punya perfume pun ok. heheh kalo nda pun wallet pun ok mah...

wabenz wawa said...

ya wollet tp cm x perlu bha wollet..purfume tu ok la..coz dya ada wollet sdh..hikhikhik..

Sufy said...

hee..bgi dy special kiss..hee, nda bha..gurau ja..urm, nice to give ur love, light goes ur relationship..hik3

wabenz wawa said...

light?hehehee thakz sufi..hehehehe btl juga tu kan..

K. Emmanoelle said...

bah.. nnt ambk2 gmbr okay. hehehehe

wabenz wawa said...
